“Daring Greatly™ is about being in the arena. It’s about rumbling with the voice of doubt and fear, and letting yourself: Show Up. Be Seen. Live Brave™.”

— Dr. Brené Brown

 Workshops and Coaching in The Daring Way™

Developed by Dr Brené Brown.


The Daring Way™ was developed by Dr. Brené Brown to help us learn how to show up, be seen and live braver lives.

As a Certified Facilitator of The Daring Way™, I offer 1:1 coaching and group workshops, delivered online and in-person. The primary focus is on developing tools for greater emotional resilience and daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead.

Together, we’ll explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness, and use metaphors, story telling, videos, hands-on exercises, and group discussion to examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviours holding you back. We’ll identify resonant choices you can make and new practices you can set in motion in your daily life that will help you move toward more authentic and wholehearted living.

If you’ve enjoyed one Dr. Brown’s books or are familiar with her work but have struggled to integrate her insights into your life, you’ll thoroughly enjoy the personalized and guided experience my workshops offer.

If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.
— Dr. Brené Brown

Who is Dr. Brené Brown?

The Daring Way™ method is based on the research of Brené Brown, Ph.D. LMSW. Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation Endowed Chair at The Graduate College of Social Work.

She has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy and is the author of six #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness, Dare to Lead and her latest book, Atlas of the Heart. With Tarana Burke, she co-edited the bestselling anthology You Are Your Best Thing: Vulnerability, Shame Resilience, and the Black Experience.

Brené’s TED talk – The Power of Vulnerability – is one of the top five most viewed TED talks in the world with over 60 million views. She is also the first researcher to have a filmed talk on Netflix, The Call to Courage and in March 2022, she launched a new show on HBO Max that focuses on her latest book, Atlas of the Heart. Brené spends most of her time working in organizations around the world, helping develop brave leaders and more courageous cultures.


The essence of Brené Brown’s work  originates from this inspiring passage in the speech by Theordore Roosevelt: 


“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”

– Theodore Roosevelt


Here's how Brené describes the progression of her work:

The Gifts of Imperfection - Be you.

Daring Greatly - Be all in.

Rising Strong - Fall. Get up. Try Again.


These three programs, together with the BOLD program for teens, make up The Daring Way™. For each program, you can choose from 1:1 coaching; online or in-person and weekly or weekend group workshops.


Daring Greatly™

Daring Greatly™ is a powerful process for exploring how to become more daring and brave in your whole life, shifting from vulnerability to courageous authenticity.

Vulnerability and shame often hold people back from living and leading with courage, confidence, and heart.

In this workshop, I lead you through the work of shame resilience, courage building and wholehearted living so that you can be braver in your whole life.

Rising Strong™

The physics of vulnerability are simple: If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall.

Rising Strong™ is a research-based resiliency building program about what it takes to GET BACK UP after a setback, and live a wholehearted and satisfying life.

Owning our stories of struggle or disappointment gives us the power to write a new ending to those stories and turn the page to a new chapter in life, rising up and forward.

The Gifts of Imperfection

The Gifts of Imperfection™ workshop gives participants the opportunity to explore, discover and embrace who they are rather than who they think they should be.

Through experiencing the 10 Guideposts for Wholehearted Living, and confronting our vulnerability, fear and shame, participants practice, learn techniques and strategies to boost self-awareness and self-worth so they can live wholeheartedly.

BOLD™ for Teens

BOLD™ is a courage building program geared specifically for adolescents (14 to 19 year-olds) learning to “Live Brave. Be Original. Love Big. Dare Greatly.™

Loaded with fun experiential activities, BOLD™ will open the doors for meaningful conversations and rich learning equipping teens with confidence, courage, compassion and connection to show up being their best self:


I would describe Maureen as a really intuitive individual. Throughout the coaching experience Maureen helped me realize a lot of things about me and my life that I was not in tune to. The process is interesting because Maureen guides you to the answers you already have. One of the biggest impacts for me was that I learned how to listen to myself.
— Senior Government Director

3 ways to experience The Daring Way™

 The Daring Way™ curriculum can be experienced in the following ways:

1:1 Coaching

Weekly 1:1 virtual coaching sessions over an eight week timeframe, set according to your schedule.

These sessions allow for deep individualized learning and discussion at your own pace.

Includes a Daring Way™ Workbook.

$2700 plus GST

Weekly Workshops

8 x 2-hour group sessions, delivered weekly in-person.

Includes a 1-hour individual coaching session and a Daring Way™ Workbook.

Limited to 8 participants to create an intimate space for deep connection and meaningful personal growth.

From $995 plus GST

Weekend Workshops

3-day in-person workshop

Includes a 1-hour individual coaching session with Maureen and a Daring Way™ Workbook.

Limited to 8 participants, to support an intimate space for deep connection and meaningful personal growth.

From $995 plus GST

Upcoming Workshops:

Daring Greatly™ Weekly Workshop starting Winter 2024. In Person. To inquire further, email Maureen at maureen@raventree.ca


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Enter your name and email address, tell me which workshops you're interested in and I'll be sure to let you know when new dates are released.

Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough. It’s going to bed at night and thinking, Yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable and sometimes afraid, but that doesn’t change the fact that I am also brave and worthy of love and belonging.
— Dr Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection


  • The goal of the Daring Greatly™ workshop is to be more authentic and wholehearted in our lives. In small groups, we’ll explore topics of vulnerability, courage, shame, and self-worth. Participants will be invited to examine the triggers and factors that hold them back and identify and hone the tools and skills to conquer them.

    Rising Strong™ is for anyone dealing with transition, disappointment, personal or professional setback. These struggles can trap people in cycles of fear, doubt, and regret. Rising Strong™ participants learn how to break free of the emotional cycle and face challenges with increased courage, creativity, and connection – better equipping them to make the next chapter in their lives a brave new one.

    You do not have to work the material in succession. If Rising Strong™ is of interest and applicable to you, you will not be “behind” in understanding important concepts behind authenticity, showing up, being seen, and living brave. Whichever program speaks to you first, go with it! I can help you sort it out, too during our initial chat.

  • I often receive inquiries from individuals who share that they’ve read the numerous books written by Brené Brown or have seen her TED talks or her most recent Netflix special Call to Courage. My response is always ‘great!’. The question that often comes next is “Since I’ve done all this already, why should I attend your workshop? How will attending your workshop benefit me in my daily life?”

    I love this question. A couple of thoughts come to mind to me in response:

    We aren’t meant to do this work alone. When we can come to a safe space with others, we learn from each other and most importantly realize that we are not alone. Brené’s research illuminated how we are all wired for relationship and connecting with others and also illuminated many of the barriers to connecting. By attending a Daring Greatly or Rising Strong group, you become aware of what are your ways of keeping yourself separate from others and you get to learn that those ways are shared by many others. You also get to be in the supportive and encouraging presence of others to practice changing some of those barriers to allow greater connection with others and yourself.

    The curriculum gives you the opportunity to take the information and knowledge from the teachings and apply through exercises and discussion, to your ways of thinking, feeling and behaving.

    The program takes the learnings/concepts in the book moving them from your thinking head and integrating into your heart, body and spirit. The workshop allows for you to make sense of the teachings in a way that you can make it real for you. The work is transformational.

  • As we will be meeting virtually by zoom video, it is best to have a location that allows for privacy for you and the sharing of your colleagues, that is quiet and distraction free; come in comfortable clothes and have any refreshments at hand. You may find having a post-it notes, markers, pen/pencil or a notepad helpful as well.

    This workshop series will be best viewed on a computer or tablet. Phones with the Zoom app may be used; however, it is difficult to see the curriculum videos or other participants.

    In order to access Zoom, you can visit https://zoom.us to sign up for a free account, or use the link that I send you to download the app without needing to set up an account. We’ll spend some time at the beginning of our first session to orient to Zoom, and I’ll be there to greet you, so it’s fine if you’re not familiar with using it. You might want to spend 15 mins or so before our first session, finding your way around.Item description

  • I do ask that participants commit to attend all weekly sessions of the course to encourage safety and continuity as the material builds consecutively throughout the program.

    And at the same time, I do understand you may have prior commitments and that life happens! To make up the work, you are welcome to schedule an individual session with me (there is a fee associated). Most of the work we do will be in the workbook, through watching videos and some creative projects and I can provide you with instructions on what practice assignments we assign during the group for the following week. I can also keep you on track by providing what pages and topics of the workbook that we completed and went over. Please let me know if you will be missing a class or running late!

  • I will only encourage you to take risks that are safe for you. I understand that this may be difficult and will never require you to share more than you feel able to. I ask that you let me know how you are feeling. I am here to support you and will also frequently refer to the Coping Agreement that you will prepare at the beginning of the course.

  • No, anyone is welcome to enroll. Read the book if you would like to. It can help orient you to concepts in Daring Greatly™ or Rising Strong™ but you can definitely get plenty out of the program without a full read under your belt.

    The concepts are taught in a stand-alone way, so prior knowledge isn’t required. You may find as you proceed through the course that you want to refer to the book for more information to enhance your experience and this can be helpful.

    I do request that you watch her Ted talks: The Power of Vulnerability and Listening to Shame prior to the course. And if you are interested, one of her most recent talks is the April 2019 Netflix Special: A Call to Courage. These do give a sense of the concepts that will be covered in the course.

  • Please register mindfully as your payment reserves your seat to take part in this workshop. Your seat is transferrable but not refundable. This means you can sell, or gift, your place to someone else if it is prior to the start of the program; a pre-chat to affirm ‘fit’ with Maureen will be necessary.

  • No - this work is for your own personal growth and development and does not train you to lead others using the materials from Daring Greatly or Rising Strong. The materials (exercises, videos etc.) are trademarked for use exclusively by Certified Daring Way™ Facilitators.

  • The cost is $995 CDN plus tax. This full payment is due upon registration. If you need to make payment arrangements, please contact maureen@raventree.ca and we will do our best to work with your individual situation.

  • A short, pre-booking call is required to check that this is the right programme at the right time for you. You may book here: https://calendly.com/raventree/daring-way-pre-chat

    Once we’ve had the call, and it’s a go to proceed, I’ll send you an invoice. With your payment, a space is reserved for you in the program and I will send you the introductory email and workbook.

  • No, it's not. I am not a therapist. I'm a Professional Coach, accredited and governed by the ethics of the International Coach Federation. I work within my scope of practice as Coach. I am also specially trained as a Trauma-Informed, and Grief Coach.

    However, it may feel like therapy because within this work, you will be invited to look deeply into areas of your life where you are triggered by things/people/situations and to explore what is really going on for you.

    This work takes courage. Feeling our feelings and re-examining our thoughts can be tricky at first, but the rewards are great because telling the truth about our lives is the first step to transforming the results we are getting.

    You'll be asked to complete a Coping Agreement giving you the chance to think through what support you might need during and after the workshop, and I can help with recommendations, should you feel the need to dig more deeply into, and heal old stories. Past participants have done that previously when stuff has come up for them, and it’s perfectly normal.

  • Absolutely. You can book with me for program coaching support, during and after. One coaching session is available to you during the program timeframe to support you with processing and integrating the information. Ask me for details for any additional coaching sessions.

Because of my work with Maureen I have made several significant changes in my life to support my journey and I am more far along on my way than I though I would be at this time. I don’t think I would have ever accomplished all of this so quickly without her. Thank you so much Maureen for all that you have helped me to accomplish in so little time!!
— Fellow, The Coaching Fellowship

Ready to explore The Daring Way?

Book a complimentary consult and let's discuss which programme is right for you